
Message from the President-Elect

Call for 2024 Nominations for Board and Committee


As we are nearing the last quarter of 2023, our Nominating Committee is gearing up for our chapter elections.   For those interested in getting more involved with the chapter, the following positions are open for nominations for the term beginning January 1 2024.  In addition, we are always looking for motivated members to join one of our board committees.  Many Board and Committee members require no past board experience—simply being an ACHE member in good standing, having dedication to our chapter, and using your current leadership skills and strengths to assist our chapter.  Joining the board offers numerous opportunities for professional growth and networking, including unique visibility for early careerists looking to gain valuable experience.  Please consider running yourself or nominating a colleague.  Thank you all for your continued support of ACHE, and look forward to seeing you at our upcoming events.  For additional information on each position please review the Job Descriptions guide by clicking here.

Open Board and Officer Positions for 2024:

  • President-Elect
  • Secretary (2 year term)
  • Military Representative (1 year term)
  • Physician Representative (1 year term)
  • Student Representative (1 year term)
  • Guam Local Program Council
  • (4) Directors (2 year term)

If you have interest in a position listed above or nominating a colleague, simply email ACHEHawaiiPacific@gmail.com with the following:

  1.    The position or positions you are interested in.
  2.    A short professional biography listing your education, experience, credentials, and any ACHE experience (approximately 150 words).
  3.    A brief summary explaining why you want to be involved with our board and your commitment to furthering Healthcare Leadership.

These committee positions do not require an election, please submit your interest to achehawaiipacific@gmail.com

Board Committees:

  • Communications Committee member
  • Membership Committee member
  • Education Committee member
  • Sponsorship Committee member
  • Diversity Committee member
  • Meetings Committee member
  • Scholarship Committee member
  • Education Committee member
  • Nominations Committee member

Don’t hesitate to get involved!


Suzanne Asaro
President-Elect – Hawaii-Pacific Chapter of ACHE


Message from the New President

Aloha Chapter Members!

The new year is in full swing and like many of you I am looking forward to 2022 with cautious optimism. Our healthcare community has endured much over the last two years. We have been heralded as heroes of the frontlines for weeks, months, and moving now into years. Many of our own are tired, having valiantly risen to meet the challenges of the pandemic day after day, both at work and at home. As leaders in our facilities, practices, and communities, I know that you experience the dual challenge of maintaining your own personal poise and resiliency while also rallying your teams, keeping them inspired to meet the needs of the day and to keep moving forward. I commend these efforts, because together, as a healthcare community, we have made an incredible impact and saved thousands of lives. While not easy, the work we do and leadership we provide is meaningful and worthwhile. Thank you for making such a positive difference for your patients, your staff, and your communities.

I know many of us miss meeting in person where we were able to network and learn from each other, share experiences, and forge new relationships. Our local chapter of the American College of Healthcare Executives will be looking for opportunities to safely re-introduce in person membership events and will be communicating with you regarding these over the coming weeks. Our national event, the 2022 Congress on Healthcare Leadership, will take place in person in Chicago March 28-31. We will also be bringing more educational opportunities both in person and virtually throughout the year. I look forward to re-connecting.


Travis Clegg, MBA, FACHE
President – Hawaii-Pacific Chapter of ACHE
Chief Operating Officer – Straub Medical Center
Email: Travis.Clegg@straub.net


Message from the New President

Aloha Chapter Members!

I hope your 2020 is off to a great start.  It’s an honor to represent the Hawaii-Pacific Chapter of ACHE as President this year.  I’m most looking forward to networking with our members, sharing best practices, and coordinating educational opportunities so we can continue to advance the quality of healthcare being provided here in the islands.  In January, we held our first board meeting of the year, as well as our annual strategy session to ensure we are aligned with the needs of our community and our membership.  Our focus this year will be in three key areas: Networking, Education, and Philanthropy.  This year’s activities kick off with the Annual ACHE congress, held this year from March 23rd – 26th at the Hyatt Regency in Chicago.  ACHE’s Congress on Healthcare Leadership gathers more than 4,200 leaders from the healthcare leadership community for this annual premier education and networking event, we hope to see you there.  We also have several great social and educational events scheduled locally in the coming months, calendars will be distributed shortly.  Lastly, I wanted to touch on our philanthropic efforts this year.  We will be partnering with H4, a comprehensive service facility serving Oahu’s chronically homeless population.  In the coming months, you’ll see additional information released about how you and your organization are able to help with supplies and other toiletries for H4.  Social determinants of health have real impacts on the outcomes of Hawaii’s homeless, and what better way to show solidarity, partnering as a chapter to help this cause.  Thank you for being a member of this great organization, and I hope to connect with you all at one of our upcoming events!


Andrew T. Giles, MBA, FACHE
President – Hawaii-Pacific Chapter of ACHE
Assistant Administrator – Hospital Operations & Support Services

Kaiser Permanente – Hawaii Region
808-432-7960 (office)
808-432-8605 (fax)
808-763-8544 (mobile phone)


Message from the New President

Darlena Chadwick, MSN, MBA, FACHE
President Hawai’i-Pacific Chapter of ACHE


It is my honor and pleasure to serve as your 2019 ACHE Hawai’i-Pacific Chapter President. I had the opportunity to attend ACHE Congress which has strengthened my enthusiasm and passion in the healthcare field. We face many challenges in the ever changing healthcare world though together we can make positive changes. Thank you for the dedication and commitment from our members and board leadership which resulted in the recognition “Chapter Management & Awards Program Award for Chapter Excellence for 2018” for the Hawai’i-Pacific Chapter at Congress this year.

ACHE is committed to life-long learning, embracing the power of knowledge and how it drives positive change, within oneself and one’s organization. Our board has been working hard to organize educational and networking events to help support our members in their professional development and growth. Some upcoming events in 2019 include: Social Events, New Member Breakfast, Annual Chapter Breakfast, and AONE/HFMA Conferences.

We welcome all volunteers to participate and be active in our chapter activities as it will take a team to achieve our goals. I look forward to seeing you throughout the year.

Thank you,

Darlena Chadwick, MSN, MBA, FACHE
President Hawai’i-Pacific Chapter of ACHE